Our privacy Standards

When you use the Microsoft cloud services operated by 21Vianet, you are storing your most valuable asset—your data. You trust its privacy will be protected and that it will only be used in a way that’s consistent with your expectations.

21Vianet will use your customer data only to provide the services we have agreed upon, and for purposes that are compatible with providing those services. We do not share your data with our advertiser-supported services, nor do we mine it for marketing or advertising. If you leave the service, we take the necessary steps to ensure the continued ownership of your data. Furthermore, we will not disclose customer data hosted in 21Vianet business services to a third party unless required by law.

This is why we use Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Dynamics and Microsoft Power Platform online services operated by 21Vianet, each designed with Privacy in its foundation. These the following privacy statements describe the 21Vianet privacy programs, including the business processes we follow to achieve privacy compliance. They also delineate the general privacy rules and requirements for developing and deploying Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365 Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform online services operated by 21Vianet. They set rules to help us keep your Customer Data secure, and handle and store the Customer Data you entrust to us in a way that helps protect its privacy:

Privacy Statement

Foundational protections begin with the use of Microsoft’s Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). The Microsoft SDL introduces security and privacy considerations throughout all phases of the development process, helping developers build highly secure software, address security compliance requirements, and reduce development costs. The guidance, best practices, tools, and processes in the Microsoft SDL are practices we use internally to build Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform online services operated by 21Vianet.